Insurance Providers
Please call our office to get up-to-date information about our fees. We accept cash, personal checks, and all major credit cards. CBT Center staff are Participating Providers with many Health Insurance Plans and some HMO’s, including those listed below. Our therapists may be providers with your plan, even if your plan is not on the list below. While we try to keep this list updated, it is best to call our office to verify that we are Participating Providers with your insurance plan.
Aetna Better Health of Virginia
Anthem Blue Cross
Anthem Healthkeepers
Anthem Healthkeepers Plus
Tricare East
United Healthcare

Insurance & Fees
CBTC participates with many health insurance plans. We also offer discounted fees for patients without health insurance.
Patients without Health Insurance
We offer an “immediate-pay, discounted” fee for patients who do not have insurance. The following rates apply to self-pay patients:
$150/session with a Doctoral level provider (Ph.D. or Psy.D.)
$125/session with a Master's level provider (LPC, LCSW)
$100/session with a Post-Doctoral Resident
$75/session with a Pre-Doctoral Intern